
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Como Activar Windows 8


Si no sabes como activar windows 8 ya sea la version Core, Pro o Enterprise sigue estos pasos


Obten una key para cualquier version de tu windows 8 y copiala.

-Lista de keys 1:

Una vez que ya tengas algunas keys desconectate del internet.

Haz click derecho en la parte inferior izquierda de la pantalla (donde antes se encontraba el windows start)

Luego haz click en el commando de windows (admin). 

Te saldra esta ventana
Cuando ya tengas copiada la key haz click derecho y Pegar en  presiona Enter.
No olvides de desconectarte de Internet.
Te saldra el mensaje mensaje de que la Key ah sido instalada satisfactoriamente si no entonces es porque no haz iniciado el commando de windows con admin.
Ve a activar windows ahora.
Te saldra esta ventana y haces click en Activar por Telefono.

Seleccionas de pais ''United States" y utiliza Skype para llamar a ese numero, una maquina te contestara y solo tendras que seguir los pasos que te dice.

Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Enable FXAA in Battlefield 3

How to Enable FXAA in Battlefield 3

This tutorial will tell how to enable FXAA in battlefield 3 and games that you can't enable FXAA via Nvidia Control Panel. For some reasons when you go to Nvidia Control Panel you'll see:

This happens because Battlefield 3 already has FXAA built-in but if you wish to enable it download the tool NvidiaInspector from here :

Exctrat the file anywhere and open nvidiainspector.exe
You are going to see a window like this and click where where the arrow points.

A window will appear and in "Profiles" search for Battlefield 3 or the game you want to enable FXAA in this case Battlefield 3. Now we have to change the "NVIDIA predefined FXAA usage" to "Allowed"

  And "Toggle FXAA" to "ON"

And finally click on "Apply Changes" to save .
Launch the Battlefield 3 and turn off Antialising Post to see if it worked.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tribes Ascend Beta Key

Tribes Ascend Beta Key

Here is one Beta Key if you need it :


You have to download Hi-Command from here and redeem the key.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Deus Ex Human Revolution GTX 460 768mb Benchmark

Deus Ex Human Revolution 
GTX 460 768mb Benchmark
Deus Ex Human Revolution brings Directx 11 support, there aren't many games with this feauture so it's a good game to test this video card that supports directx 11 , only the GTX 4XX and GTX 5xx GPUs support DX11.
We are using the highest video settings of the game you don't need an expensive computer to max out this game, also the resolution I am using is   1440 x 900 it is not a bad resolution , you will get less FPS with a higher resolution (1920 x 1080). To give you an example of how does the game look like on highest settings :

Game looks pretty nice, but it's all Yellow

Nvidia GTX 460 768mb
Intel Core i3 540 @3.07GHz
Windows 7 Professional 64bits

Video Settings 
Resolution            : 1440 x 900
Directx 11            : ON
Anti Aliasing         : MLAA
Shadows               : Soft
Depht of Field       : High
SSAO                     : High
Post Proccessing   : On
Texture Filter        : ON
Vsync                     : Off
Tripple Buffering   : On
Teselattion            : On 

Average FPS : 55

Game is playable at 55 FPS so the  GTX 460 768mb is a good GPU for this game.